Category: Photos

BananaShip 2009 Season Recap

First of all, I’d like to say Thank You for joining Bananaship this year, It was a pleasure meeting with you! Despite my very little appearance because of the Festival work. Hope you enjoyed the Montreal Festival! Thank you to the captains, who have done a marvelous job in keeping the team together through fundraising, …

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BananaShip 2008 Season Recap

A big thanks to everyone in BananaShip for an outstanding performance at the 13th Annual Montreal International Dragonboat Race Festival. We managed to beat all expectations, shattered our personal bests and even managed to clinch 3rd place in the Intermediate 500m Final with only 0.11 seconds away from the gold. Very good for a self-coached …

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Montreal International Dragon Boat Race Festival 2006

3rd – Rookie E