It was a quiet competition, not many teams yet. On a friday afternoon, everyone came, ready to roll. Amalo and Samie worked through the rosters, we didn’t know whether to use the competitive team and extreme team or simply play strategy and try to win as much cash as we can. We also found out Hong Kong Trip did not include the plane ticket, so we didn’t stress for that first place too much. Surprisingly everyone made an effort to be there.
Everyone was very stressed out, the next 3 days were going to be intense. The rosters were set up, we were called. The first race went great for both teams, the second race became more tricky. What did we want as a club? we went for the money. Because it was a student competition, it was not reflective of how we ranked in general. Winning some cash would let us buy our tent for Ottawa in 2011 which was much more beneficial.
We won 3rd in Hong Kong Cup and 1st in Final C. Those were great results.