Week 2 – Challenge #1 (May 6 to May 12)
His Majesty’s BananaShip called for victory with a time of 12:03 in their 2000m race. While Bananaship All-Stars were close behind with 12:40.
James Vu has been booted out as captain of All-Stars! In a big turn of events, Yu Wai was voted captain outvoting the runner-up PT by just 1 vote. Interesting twist as Yu Wai is a new member to BananaShip and has no experience prior to this season. How will he survive this week? How will his team help him win? Will Phil Pham’s His Majesty’s BananaShip be unpleasantly surprised?
Challenge # 2: This week, the teams will compete in 500m, 250m, 200m and 100m races.